Microlocal Analysis, Scattering and Imaging, Bolker condition, DSR condition, convex foliation condition, Anisotropy

GMIG has developed a comprehensive program in microlocal analysis. The program encompasses all aspects of scattering and imaging, from the diffraction of conormal singularities and scattering series to the development of precise conditions for artifact-free inverse scattering and tomography.

GMIG’s analysis introduces extensions for reflection tomography in the presence of caustics while also enabling the recovery of piecewise smooth density with high-frequency data. The program provides a comprehensive analysis of ray-wave "duality" by introducing the dyadic parabolic decomposition of phase space and concentration of wave packets. GMIG research has also led to the development of fast algorithms and wavefield reconstruction.

For more information, please visit: http://maartendehoop.rice.edu/ten-topics-in-seismic-imaging/